The Power of Now is the best book about mindfulness ever written. Mindfulness is the key to happiness, contentment and fulfilment. In this The Power of Now book review I will give you a quick summary of this life changing book including the key points and what I believe is the true essence of what Eckhart Tolle portrays so well. This is, without a doubt, my favorite book on mindfulness, personal development and general happiness and wellbeing. I cannot overstate enough how important I believe this book to be. A thorough understanding of the concepts so simply described by Tolle in this book will change your life for the better and give you a deeper understanding of yourself and the true nature of the world we live in.
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The Power of Now Overall Summary
The Power of Now gives you a strait forward explanation of what mindfulness is and how to use it in your daily life for increased happiness and fulfillment. The book emphasizes the importance of becoming aware of the present moment and detaching from the constant stream of thoughts that often keep us trapped in negative emotions and a sense of unease.
The mind is a phenomenal tool, but we must also learn to step back from it and observe our thoughts without becoming attached to them. Tolle encourages readers to focus on the sensations of the body, such as the breath, as a way to anchor themselves in the present moment.
The book also explores the concept of the ego and how our identification with it can lead to suffering. Tolle argues that by recognizing the ego as a false sense of self, we can free ourselves from its limitations and live more authentically.
The Power of Now is so excellent because it offers practical guidance for living in the present moment and cultivating a sense of inner peace and contentment.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 1. You Are Not Your Mind
In the first chapter, Tolle introduces the concept of the egoic mind and how it creates a sense of identity and separation from others.
Most people identify with their thoughts and beliefs, which creates a sense of self that is often based on past experiences and future expectations. This identification with the mind leads to a continuous stream of thoughts and emotions that can create stress, anxiety, and unhappiness.
By becoming aware of this process and learning to observe our thoughts without becoming attached to them, we can begin to free ourselves from the limitations of the mind. Tolle encourages readers to focus on the present moment and to use their senses to become more grounded and centered.
The chapter also explores the concept of enlightenment and how it is not something to be achieved in the future, but rather a state of consciousness that can be accessed in the present moment. Tolle suggests that by letting go of the past and the future, we can experience a sense of peace and fulfillment that is always available to us.
The first chapter sets the stage for the book’s central message of living in the present moment and becoming aware of the mind’s limitations. It encourages readers to cultivate a sense of presence and awareness that can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 2. Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain
In the second chapter, Tolle expands on the concept of living in the present moment and explains how it can lead to a sense of inner peace and freedom from suffering.
Most people experience pain and suffering because they are identified with their minds and the continuous stream of thoughts and emotions that it generates. By becoming more aware of the present moment, we can access a deeper level of consciousness.
The chapter explores the concept of pain and how it can be transformed through conscious awareness. When we observe our pain without becoming identified with it, we can access a deeper level of consciousness that transcends the suffering caused by the mind.
Tolle also introduces the idea of the pain body, which is a collection of negative emotions that can become trapped in the body and cause pain and suffering. By becoming aware of our own pain body and observing it without judgment, we can begin to release its hold on us and access a deeper level of consciousness.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 3. Moving Deeply into the Now
In the third chapter, Tolle discusses the importance of being fully present in the present moment and how it can lead to a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment.
Most people are not fully present in the now because they are either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. He encourages readers to become aware of their thoughts and emotions and to observe them without judgment in order to cultivate a deeper sense of presence.
The chapter also explores the concept of “watching the thinker,” which involves observing our thoughts without becoming attached to them. Tolle suggests that by becoming aware of the gap between our thoughts, we can access a deeper level of consciousness that is not limited by the mind. My favorite affirmation for this is: I passively witness my thoughts, feelings, emotions and inner dialogue, living in the present moment.
Tolle also discusses the importance of accessing the power of now in everyday life, such as when doing mundane tasks like washing dishes or walking in nature. He suggests that by being fully present in these moments, we can experience a deeper sense of connection and joy.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 4. Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now
In the fourth chapter, Tolle explores the various ways in which the mind tries to avoid the present moment and the impact this has on our sense of well-being.
The mind often uses various strategies, such as worrying about the future, dwelling on the past, or creating drama in our lives, in order to avoid the present moment. These strategies often lead to stress, anxiety, and unhappiness.
Tolle also discusses the importance of acceptance in accessing the power of now. He suggests that by accepting the present moment as it is, we can release the mind’s resistance and access a deeper level of consciousness that is not limited by our thoughts and emotions. My simple affirmation for acceptance is: I am accepting of what IS, living in the present moment, living in the here and now.
The Pain Body
Chapter four further explores the concept of the pain body. The pain body can be triggered by the mind’s strategies for avoiding the present moment and that becoming aware of this process can help to release its hold on us.
The pain body is best described as a semi-autonomous energy field that exists within the human body. It is constantly seeking to be fed and sustained by negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, and fear. When a person experiences a triggering event, the pain body is activated and begins to dominate their thoughts and emotions, causing them to feel overwhelmed and reactive.
Becoming aware of the pain body and learning to observe it without getting caught up in its emotions can be a powerful tool for personal transformation. By recognizing when the pain body is active and choosing to remain present and detached from its influence, a person can begin to break free from negative patterns of thought and behavior.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 5. The State of Presence
In the fifth chapter, Tolle discusses the importance of cultivating a state of presence in order to access the power of now and experience a deeper sense of connection and peace.
The state of presence is a state of heightened consciousness in which we are fully present in the now and free from the limitations of the mind. By cultivating this state, we can access a deeper level of awareness and connect with our true nature.
The chapter explores various ways in which we can cultivate a state of presence, such as through meditation, mindfulness, and conscious breathing. My favorite practices for achieving a state of presence include: mindfulness meditation, and qi gong. Tolle also suggests that becoming aware of the body and the senses can help us to access this state and experience a deeper sense of connection with the present moment.
Tolle also discusses the importance of surrender in accessing the state of presence. By surrendering to the present moment and accepting it as it is, we can release the mind’s resistance and access a deeper level of consciousness.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 6. The Inner Body
In the sixth chapter, Tolle discusses the importance of connecting with the inner body in order to access the power of now and experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being.
The inner body is the portal through which we can access the present moment and connect with our true nature. By becoming aware of the sensations in the body and focusing our attention on the present moment, we can access a deeper level of consciousness and connect with the inner body.
The chapter explores various ways in which we can connect with the inner body, such as through body awareness exercises and meditation. Tolle also suggests that becoming aware of the breath and the subtle energy field of the body can help us to access this state and experience a deeper sense of connection with the present moment.
My favorite mindfulness exercises include tai chi, chi gong and yoga. All three are great moving meditations that help you practice mindfulness and get deeper into your inner body. Some people find these practices easier than sitting meditations.
Tolle also discusses the importance of releasing the mind’s identification with the body in order to access the inner body. He suggests that by realizing that we are not our thoughts or emotions, but rather the awareness behind them, we can connect with the inner body and experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 7. Portals into the Unmanifested
In the seventh chapter, Tolle explores various ways in which we can access the unmanifested, which is the realm of pure consciousness beyond the physical world.
Tolle suggests that the unmanifested is the source of all creation and that by accessing this realm, we can tap into a deeper level of awareness and connect with our true nature. He argues that there are various portals or gateways through which we can access the unmanifested, such as silence, space, and stillness.
The chapter explores each of these portals in detail, discussing how we can use them to access the unmanifested and experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being. Tolle also discusses the importance of surrender and acceptance in accessing these portals, suggesting that by letting go of our attachment to the physical world, we can connect with the unmanifested and experience a sense of oneness with all that is. My favorite affirmation to internalize oneness is: I live in the felt oneness with being.
Tolle also further explores the concept of the pain body in this chapter. By accessing the unmanifested, we can release the pain-body and experience a deeper sense of freedom and peace.
The chapter encourages readers to explore the various portals into the unmanifested and to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and connection with their true nature. By accessing this realm, we can release the mind’s identification with the physical world and experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 8. Enlightened Relationships
In the eighth chapter, Tolle discusses how we can cultivate more conscious and fulfilling relationships with others by accessing the power of now.
Many relationships are based on egoic needs and desires, which can create conflict and suffering. He argues that by accessing the power of now and becoming more present in our interactions with others, we can cultivate more authentic and fulfilling relationships.
The chapter explores various ways in which we can cultivate more conscious relationships, such as by becoming more aware of our own patterns of behavior and communication, and by practicing deep listening and empathy. By accepting others as they are, without trying to change them, we can cultivate more peaceful and loving relationships.
Tolle also discusses the importance of becoming aware of our own emotional pain in order to avoid projecting it onto others. By becoming more aware of our own pain and working through it, we can avoid creating unnecessary conflict in our relationships.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 9. Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
In the ninth chapter, Tolle discusses the concept of peace, which is the underlying state that exists beyond the ups and downs of happiness and unhappiness.
Happiness and unhappiness are temporary states that arise in response to external circumstances, such as the attainment of a desired goal or the loss of something we value. True peace and fulfillment can only be found by accessing the underlying state of being that exists beyond these temporary emotional states.
The chapter explores various ways in which we can access this state of peace. Such as by becoming more present in our daily lives, by accepting the present moment as it is, and by cultivating a deeper sense of awareness and consciousness.
Tolle also suggests that the pursuit of happiness can actually prevent us from accessing this state of peace, as it creates a constant cycle of desire and attachment that leads to suffering. By letting go of our attachment to external outcomes and focusing on the present moment, we can access a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment.
The ninth chapter encourages readers to move beyond the pursuit of happiness and to focus instead on accessing the underlying state of peace that exists beyond temporary emotional states. It suggests that by cultivating a deeper sense of presence and awareness, we can access this state and experience a more fulfilling and peaceful life.
The Power of Now Book Review: Chapter 10. The Meaning of Surrender
In the final chapter, Tolle explores the concept of surrender, which is a key component of accessing the power of now and experiencing a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment.
Surrender involves letting go of our attachment to outcomes and allowing life to unfold as it will. This can be challenging, as the ego often wants to control and manipulate outcomes in order to feel safe and secure.
The chapter explores various ways in which we can cultivate surrender in our lives, such as by accepting the present moment as it is, by letting go of our attachment to outcomes, and by becoming more aware of the patterns of the mind.
Tolle also discusses the importance of surrender in spiritual practice, suggesting that it is necessary to let go of our attachment to the physical world in order to access the deeper levels of consciousness that exist beyond it.
The tenth chapter encourages readers to cultivate surrender in their lives as a means of accessing the power of now and experiencing a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. It suggests that by letting go of our attachment to outcomes and focusing on the present moment, we can access a deeper level of consciousness and experience a more fulfilling and peaceful life.
The Power of Now is my favorite book on mindfulness, personal development and general self improvement. I think it should be required reading in high school and again in every decade of a persons life. This would lead to a better understanding of how our minds work and a vastly greater chance for people to achieve true happiness and fulfillment in this life. Eckhart Tolle does a wonderful job explaining and simplifying difficult phycological concepts so anyone can understand and implement them. If you found this summary interesting and engaging, I strongly recommend buying the full book. I own both a hard copy for underlining passages as well as the audiobook. Tolle narrates the book himself and it is great to listen to at night as you drift off to sleep.
Stay mindful, stay happy!
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language in a question and answer format. The words themselves are the signposts to guide you on your journey. There are new discoveries to be made along the way: you are not your mind, you can find your way out of psychological pain, authentic human power is found by surrendering to the Now. When you become fully present and accepting of what is, you open yourself to the transforming experience of The Power of Now.